FIsh Species
Small Mouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass, bronzebacks or simply smallies are a common fish in our waters. Smallies are schooling fish with voracious appetites. Besides there being many fish in our water what makes them a prized fish in our water is the fact they get big, with realistic shots at 5lb class fish every outing.
Areas we fish: Lake Erie, Upper/Lower Niagara River, & Lake Ontario

Walleye is probably the most sought after fish in our waters, commonly known as “Lake Erie Gold”. The fish is a long slender fish, that’s a goldish color with black bars. Walleye get big in our area where 7-10lb walleye are pretty common sight. Walleye are a schooling fish that we mostly troll for. They might not be the best sports fish but they make great table fair.
Areas we fish: Lake Erie, Upper/Lower Niagara, & Lake Ontario

Great Lakes Steelhead (Migratory Rainbow Trout)
Steelhead or migratory rainbow trout are on top of many anglers bucket list to catch. They are hard fighting and very fast moving fish that likes to get airborne.average steelhead weighs 6-10lbs. Steelhead have a silvery appearance but when light hits scales gives a “rainbow” effect.
Areas we fish: Lower Niagara River

Brown Trout
Brown Trout is a beautiful species with golden brown color with red and black spots. Another migratory species that makes its way into the river to spawn and feed in fall-spring. Very good sports fish that averages 6-10lbs but if you’re lucky you can get a giant 15lbs or bigger.
Areas we fish: Lower Niagara & Lake Ontario

Lake Trout
Lake trout are actually in the char family and not really a trout technically. Native to the Great Lakes & Niagara River area. Lake trout fight is a lot different from that of a steelhead, instead of flying out of the water they use their size and strength to dive to the bottom. Lake trout get very large in our water with average sizes being 10-14lbs with giants caught every year over 20lbs.
Areas we fish: Lower Niagara & Lake Ontario

Salmon (Chinook & Coho)
Salmon are a highly sought after fish for both the incredible fight and the table fare. Salmon are big and strong fish that are known for peeling drag and breaking hearts. Salmon check all the boxes for sports anglers and for someone looking to take some fish home.
Areas we fish: Lower Niagara & Lake Ontario